hi , i am
claiborne .

Accomplished Entrepreneur. Adaptable Executive. Aspiring writer.

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about me

I am an entrepenuer, software engineer, executive, writer, and photographer. I started my career as a software engineer and have always enjoyed the creative aspect of coding - bringing an entire universe to life from an empty editor window.

In my professional career, I've had the amazing opportunity to lead a startup from concept to $100M ARR, as well as co-founding two groundbreaking startups that spawned entirely new industries. Creating products with an intense focus on the customer is my passion. There are few things as satisfying as genuinely helping another human solve problem.


  • PacketFabric

    CPO/CTO and Co-founder

    Industry: PaaS/IaaS/NaaS

    The company that define the market for Network as a Service (Naas). Grew to supporting network and compute in over 300 locations across North America and Europe.

  • SaaS - IP, DNS, and physical asset management

    Industry: SaaS

    Rapid growth SaaS platform supporting IPAM, DNS management, workflow management, and physical asset tracking cloud providers, enterprise, and network providers. Scaled to profitability on a single 2M round of funding through customer obcession. Currently a top rated company in the DDI market space.


    VP of Engineering

  • Prolexic

    Director and Co-founder

    Industry: DDoS Mitigation/Cyber Security

    The first commercial DDoS mitigation provider that defined the industry standard for service. I actively tracked cyber criminals and worked with law enforcement to profile them. Acquired by Akamai in 2016.


hiring the best engineers
hiring the best engineers
radically empowering teams
radically empowering teams
scaling engineering teams 1-300
scaling engineering teams 1-300
startup lessons learned
startup lessons
startup lessons learned (part 2)
startup lessons learned (part 2)
high trust teams
high trust teams
effective 1:1s
effective 1:1s


contact me

anna claiborne

Tech Entrepenuer



